
Amy Bauer abauer@uci.edu Professor
Music theory; Core faculty, History and Theory of Music PhD
Frances Young Bennett fbennett@uci.edu Lecturer
Vocal Arts
Sasha Berliner sberline@uci.edu Lecturer
Jazz Combo and Jazz Composition
David Brodbeck david.brodbeck@uci.edu Professor
Musicology; Core faculty, History and Theory of Music PhD
Eleanore Choate choatee@uci.edu Lecturer
Patricia Cloud pcloud@uci.edu Lecturer
Paul Cornish Lecturer
Jazz Piano
Jonathan Davis jddavis@uci.edu Lecturer
Michael Dessen mdessen@uci.edu Professor and Interim Robert & Marjorie Rawlins Chair of Music
Jazz Program Coordinator; Core faculty, Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology (ICIT)
Fred Greene fwgreene@uci.edu Lecturer
Lorna Griffitt lgriffit@uci.edu Professor of Teaching
Piano (classical); Director of Undergraduate Studies
Stephan Hammel hammels@uci.edu Associate Professor
Musicology and Music Theory; Core faculty, History and Theory of Music PhD
Matt Hare harem@uci.edu Lecturer
Bass (classical)
Jason Harnell jharnell@uci.edu Lecturer
Drums (jazz)
Gary Heaton-Smith gheatons@uci.edu Lecturer
Percussion (classical)
Jerzy Kosmala jkosmala@uci.edu Lecturer
Michael Kallin Lecturer
Classical Trumpet
Dennis Kim dennik2@uci.edu Assistant Professor
Mari Kimura kimuram1@uci.edu Professor
Core faculty, Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology PhD
Sarah Koo Freeman sjkoo@uci.edu Lecturer
Cello and chamber music
Eric Lindsay lindsaye@uci.edu Lecturer
Musicianship, Music Theory, and Composition
Kevin McKeown mckeownk@uci.edu Lecturer
Wind Ensemble
Irene Messoloras imessolo@uci.edu Assistant Professor, Associate Chair
Director of Choral Activities
Andreas Mitisek Lecturer
Opera Workshop Director
Elliott Moreau emoreau@uci.edu Lecturer
Dawn Norfleet dnorflee@uci.edu Lecturer
Jazz History
Darek Oles doleszki@uci.edu Lecturer
Bass (jazz) and Jazz Combo
Hossein Omoumi homoumi@uci.edu Professor
Maseeh Professor in Persian Performing Arts Persian music
Gerald Pinter gpinter@uci.edu Lecturer
Saxophone (jazz) and Jazz Combo
Geoffrey Pope geoffrey.pope@uci.edu Lecturer
Conductor, UCI Symphony Orchestra and Opera; Lecturer in Orchestration and Conducting
Michael Rushman rushmanm@uci.edu Lecturer
Trombone (classical)
Nina Scolnik nscolnik@uci.edu Professor of Teaching
Piano (classical)
Rajna Swaminathan rajna.s@uci.edu Assistant Professor
Core faculty, Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology PhD
Darryl Taylor taylord@uci.edu Professor
Vocal Arts
Kojiro Umezaki kumezaki@uci.edu Professor and Associate Chair
Core faculty, Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology PhD
Amanda Walker ajwalker@uci.edu Lecturer
TY Zhang Lecturer