Musicians for Hire
Thank you for your interest in UCI Music! We're often asked to provide references for events and private lessons.
It’s important to note that we are not a booking agency, and as an educational institution we are prohibited from providing student contact information. The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a law that protects the privacy of student educational records. Institutions may not disclose information about a student without that student’s written consent.
What we can do is direct your request to appropriate faculty, who will consider and forward it to interested students, if any. We cannot guarantee a response.
Please contact us and include all of the following information (for events or lessons):
EVENTS - Please include the following information:
- Date, Time & Location of your event
- Type of Performance (i.e. specific music or genre, soloist vs. ensemble, etc.)
- Compensation
- Contact information and the best time to reach you
Requests for event referrals should be submitted at least 2 - 3 months in advance. Again, replies are not guaranteed.
PRIVATE LESSONS – Please include the following information:
- Specific instrument you are seeking lessons for
- Age & musical background of the person for whom you are seeking lessons
- Compensation
- Contact information and the best time to reach you
Thank you for your interest in our department and program. We hope you’ll consider attending one of the many performances offered by the Department of Music at the Claire Trevor School of the Arts. Information about our events can be found at our events calendar.