Ensemble Auditions
Department of Music ensembles are open to all UCI students. Auditions are required for all except Concert Choir. Some ensembles require appointments.
Auditions for the UCI Symphony Orchestra take place during Welcome Week, each year.
Please see https://music.arts.uci.edu/symphony/audition-repertoire for repertoire and signup information. Note: Audition excerpt lists and signups for audition times are typically not posted until early September.
Symphony Orchestra meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00pm - 9:50pm.
Contact Dr. Geoffrey Pope at geoffrey.pope@uci.edu with questions.
Submit an audition video via this Google form by Monday, September 26th. Submit Here
Attend the first class session (check the Schedule of Classes for day, time, and location). The first half of the class will be a rehearsal for those who submitted video auditions. The second half of the class will be open auditions for anyone who did not submit an audition video.
- The following concert major scales: Bb, Eb, C, F
- A short prepared piece or etude.
There is no accompaniment for Wind Ensemble auditions.
Wind Ensemble meets on Mondays from 7:00pm - 9:50pm.
Contact Professor Kevin McKeown with questions.
No audition required. Open to all UCI students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members.
Concert Choir meets on Thursdays from 7:00pm - 9:50pm.
Contact Professor Irene Messoloras with questions or visit the UCI Concert Choir webpage. .
Music 164: OPERA
Opera auditions will be held during Welcome Week this year.
- Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 24th from 10:00 - 2:00pm, in AITR 196.
- Signups will be through this link.
Accompaniment is provided.
- Prepare 2 memorized selections.
- At least one selection must be in a language other than English.
- Arias are preferred, but not mandatory.
Opera Workshop meets on Fridays from 4:00pm - 6:50pm.
Contact Professor Andreas Mitisek with questions.
Audition Required. Signup Here
Auditions take place throughout Welcome Week and Week 1. Check our Welcome Week Schedule for days, times, and locations.
The UCI Chamber Singers’ auditions consist of a range test, an acapella solo, and a sightreading exercise.
- Range Test - You will sing a short warm up on a vowel or single syllable along with the piano to demonstrate the upper and lower limits of your range.
- Acapella solo - Please present a piece you believe shows off your voice as well as your range. We recommend classical art songs, arias, hymns, or Golden Age musical theater pieces for this, but you may present any piece you think really shows off your voice.
- Sightreading exercise - You will be given the sheet music and key of a short melody (sheet music 8-12 measure) and then you will be asked to sing the melody acappella
Singers should be prepared to sight read for Dr. Messoloras. There is no accompaniment for Chamber Singers auditions.
Chamber Singers meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm - 5:20pm.
Contact Professor Irene Messoloras with questions.
Music 176, 182 and 178: JAZZ COMBOS and JAZZ ORCHESTRA
Please see the Jazz Ensembles page for more information about how to audition for Music 176 (Jazz Ensemble), Music 182 (Advanced Jazz Ensemble) and Music 178 (Jazz Orchestra).