An important update from Dean Barker
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we want to keep you, our valued supporters and community members, updated on how the Claire Trevor School of the Arts (CTSA) in collaboration with the greater UCI community are responding. We are working diligently to quickly adapt to the rapidly developing circumstances in order to protect our students, staff, faculty, patrons, and the world-class academic and creative work we do at CTSA.
Below are some courses of action we are currently implementing;
- All CTSA courses will be taught online for the spring quarter; including studio, laboratory, seminar, and larger classes.
- All performances, exhibitions, and events have been postponed, canceled, or will be reimagined in virtual ways.
- All CTSA staff and faculty are working remotely, for the next few weeks or until further notice.
Even though our efforts are temporarily shifting to a remote and digital platform, our community of students, faculty, and staff will remain active and busy. These drastic times call for creative measures!
- Our faculty are developing creative new ways to approach their courses online and keep our students connected.
- Faculty and students have formed virtual forums to maintain the momentum and connectivity that they have formed with peers.
- Staff is focused on providing essential student support in accordance with safety measures as well as continuing to award fellowships, scholarships, and financial aid opportunities.
As we adjust to this temporary mode of operation, we will be ramping up our efforts to creatively engage, communicate, and connect with our students, faculty, and community.
The UCIArtsAnywhere Campaign
This week we launched UCIArtsAnywhere, a social media campaign responding to COVID-19. The campaign’s goal is to keep our UCI Arts community connected and to share the ongoing creative and academic work happening at CTSA. With #UCIArtsAnywhere, the aim is to acknowledge the disruption to normal campus life COVID–19 has brought, while also tapping into the spirit CTSA will bring to remote learning this spring. We hope you will join us in supporting the sense of community UCIArtsAnywhere will create while we are all practicing social distancing for the health and safety of the campus and the broader community.
CTSA’s mission remains firm: to inspire, to inform, to uplift, and to provide impactful experiences through our many creative outlets. Supporting our students is of utmost importance now—more than ever. We are so deeply grateful to our new and continuing supporters and to the community, especially right now. As always, thank you for your dedication to CTSA. We hope you will enjoy and support the UCIArtsAnywhere Campaign and look forward to staying connected with you in the days ahead.
Stephen Barker
Follow us and the UCIArtsAnywhere Campaign here:
Instagram - @ctsa_ucirvine
Facebook - @ctsa.ucirvine
Twitter - @ctsa_ucirvine