
Use stored waveform for a synthesizer

This patch demonstrates the technique of wavetable synthesis: using one cycle of a stored waveform as the wave type for a synthesizer tone. The cycle~ object with no argument produces a cosine wave; however, cycle~ can also refer to a waveform stored in a buffer~, and use that as a wavetable. To do that, you need to create a buffer~, store a waveform in it, and then refer to that buffer~ by creating a cycle~ with the same name.

Using gate to route messages

You can assign input data to have a different function at different times, simply by sending it to different parts of your program. For example, if you have a control device such as a MIDI keyboard or other MIDI controller with a limited number of keys, buttons, knobs, or faders, you can assign one control element to be the mode selector that changes the functionality of all the other elements.

Using timepoints for interactive sequencing

The timepoint object sends out a bang when the transport reaches a specified time position. This can be useful for causing something to happen—or for starting an entire process—at a particular instant during the transport's progress. A timepoint might, for example, even trigger a new time position value to be sent to the transport object itself, thus causing the transport to leap to a different time.

Linear interpolation over time

The line object sends out a periodic series of numbers that progress to some new value over a certain amount of time. The input to line is a destination value (where it should eventually arrive), a transition time (how long it should take to get there), and a time interval between outputs (how often it should send out intermediate values along the way). The left part of this patch shows the use of line to generate integers that are used as pitches.