Long term function
This patch uses metro and counter to automate a scale with crescendo by referencing a table object containing patterns of pitch and velocity MIDI values.
This patch uses metro and counter to automate a scale with crescendo by referencing a table object containing patterns of pitch and velocity MIDI values.
This patch uses tempo to control the timing of a long crescendo in musical terms.
This patch shows a simple way to automate the loading of movies in a jit.qt.window.
This patch demonstrates how to create a linear crescendo using the makenote and noteout objects.
This patch shows how to create a linear crescendo using MIDI velocity.
This patch demonstrates how to implement your computer keyboard as a MIDI controller.
This patch demonstrates how to convert data from joystick controllers to MIDI information in Max.
This patch shows how to initialize UI objects using loadbang, loadmess, and pattr objects.
This patch demonstrates how to create a 19x19 matrix that functions as a sort of "go" board, in which each mouse click alternates between placing a white or black square in a cell of the matrix. It's meant to demonstrate how a matrix can be used to store a multidimensional array of states or conditions.
This patch shows how to use gl objects in Jitter to fade the color of a rendered sphere between two values.