Metronome with random perturbations of tempo
Generate random numbers within a specified range
This patch demonstrates a way to generate random numbers within a specified range.
Try the timedbangs abstraction
This patch demonstrates the use of the abstraction presented in the example "Abstraction to trigger a timed series of bangs".
If you click on the button immediately, the typed-in arguments will be used: 9 bangs 125 milliseconds apart. You can enter different numbers in the second and third inlets, or you can trigger a set of bangs immediately with a list in the first inlet.
Abstraction to trigger a timed series of bangs
A common need in computer music is to schedule events to occur at regular intervals of time. This patch can be used as an abstraction for easily scheduling a specific number of events to occur at regular intervals.
Test movie timing to make editing decisions
You can use the gettime message to ask for a report of its video's current time location (in QuickTime time units). The report comes out of the right outlet of as the word time followed by the current time.
Testing for a range of numbers
If you want to detect when a number has occurred that fits within a particular range, you'll want to use logical operators to test conditions such as is less than, is less than or equal to or is greater than this and less than that. Most logical operators send out the number 1 (meaning true) if the condition is met, and 0 otherwise.
Record and fragment audio in rhythmic units
Bass drum player with swing
This patch uses the transport object to control an algorithmic performer of kick drum patterns. When the transport is turned on, the metro also turns on because its active attribute is set on. The metro sends a bang on every 16th note. Those bangs are first used to trigger information from the transport itself, and then to look up in a table of patterns to see whether or not to play a bass drum note.
Chaos algorithm for choosing pitches
Mathematicians have observed that certain repeated iterative equations create interesting visual patterns when the results are graphed. Those equations are a part of the study of "chaos theory". This patch uses one such equation, and outputs the results as MIDI pitch values, to make chaotic pitch patterns.