
MSP transport demo

This patch demonstrates several capabilities, features, and techniques of the transport object for managing tempo-relative time, the translate object for converting between tempo-relative time and absolute time values, and the timing objects that can use tempo-relative timing such as metrodelaytimepointphasor~, and line~.

A useful noise gate (ducker) subpatch for rejecting unwanted sounds

A "ducker" is a system that turns a signal down to 0 when it's below a given threshold. This is also frequently called a "noise gate" in audio engineering, because it acts as a doorway that closes out unwanted low-level ambient noise and lets through only the louder, more desired signal. It's useful for suppressing unwanted low-level audio, such as in a cell phone transmission when the user is not talking, or, more to the point for musical purposes, as in a microphone signal when the musician is not playing.

Schedule timepoints in straight clock time

To schedule timepoints in straight clock time, it’s easy enough to do, and if I want transport to report the current time to me in straight clock time, that’s easy enough to do, too. In the following example, when you start the transport with the toggle, it rewinds to time 0 and schedules a timepoint to occur at time 5.5 seconds. By default the transport’s tempo is 120 bpm, so we would expect that timepoint to happen 11 beats later, i.e., after 5280 ticks, i.e.

Convert between musical time and clock time

The translate object performs conversions from one kind of time unit to any other, and is particularly useful when you need to convert from a tempo-relative time unit to a clock time unit (e.g., convert note values to milliseconds) or vice versa. In this example, try changing the bpm tempo of the transport, and you'll see that the translate object sends out updated information whenever the tempo changes.

Phase cancellation due to delay

A sinusoid added to a delayed version of itself will result in a sinusoid of the same frequency but with its amplitude altered. The amount of amplitude change will depend on the phase relationship between the original sinusoid and its delayed copy. The two sinusoids will interfere with each other either constructively (reinforcing each other) or destructively (tending to cancel each other).

Rhythmic automated panning

This example allows a choice of four different modes of intensity panning, and two ways to specify the rate of panning change. The choice of four possible pannings is: static centered, left-to-right sudden switching, left-to-right gradual gliding, and random gliding. The rate of change can be controlled by sliders, either in Hertz (changes per second) or note values (based on the current transport tempo).