
Linear amplitude panning

The simplest and most common way to localize a sound in a stereo field is to vary the relative intensity between the two speakers. To make a sound seem to move from one side to the other, for example, you can start with the level of one speaker set to 1 and the other speaker set to 0, then gradually turn one down to 0 as you bring the other up to 1. This patch demonstrates a direct linear pan from one speaker to the other.

Linear interpolation of audio

For linear interpolation of a MSP signal, the line~ object sends out a signal that progress to some new value over a certain amount of time interpolating sample-by-sample along the way. The input to line~ is a pair of numbers representing a destination value (where it should eventually arrive) and a transition time (how long it should take to get there). It can receive multiple pairs of numbers in a single message, and it will use the pairs in order, starting each new pair when the previous transition has finished.

Exponential mapping

A linear fade-in or fade-out of audio is okay for quick changes that take place in a fraction of a second, but for slower fades one should generally take into account that our subjective sense of loudness more closely conforms to an exponential change in amplitude. This patch allows you to use the slider (or the mod wheel from a MIDI controller) to control the amplitude of white noise in one of three different ways: with straight linear mapping, exponentially (with an exponent of 4), or using a range of 60 decibels.

Math in the slider object

The slider object has some attributes that have a significant effect on its output: floatoutput, size, min[imum] and mult[iplier]. By default slider uses only integer values, with a size of 128 (i.e., ranging from 0 to 127). For an integer slider, the range will be size different integers from 0 to size-1, whereas for a float slider the input range will be the full range from 0. to size., inclusive.