Using alpha masking with jit.lcd content overlay
One way to superimpose 2D graphics over a video is to draw into a jit.lcd object and then use alpha masking to overlay the jit.lcd contents on top of the video image.
One way to superimpose 2D graphics over a video is to draw into a jit.lcd object and then use alpha masking to overlay the jit.lcd contents on top of the video image.
For this example to work properly, you will also need to download the small text file subtitles.txt.
Will need to download the pan~ abstraction found here.
One way to combine text and video is to write text in jit.lcd as demonstrated in the example “Draw shapes and text
The jit.lcd object understands a variety of command messages for drawing simple things such as lines, geometric shapes, text, and pictures any place in a matrix.
This example consists of a .zip archive of files. Together they demonstrate the idea of organizing one’s sound files in a specific folder, and then using the full path to that folder to ensure finding the sound files when you want to play them.
Synthesizing a sinusoid in MSP is a fairly trivial matter, because the cycle~ object does most of the work for you. It produces a full-amplitude waveform at the requested frequency ƒ and with the requested phase offset φ.
Max can interface with other applications via ReWire. Max can act as either a ReWire host or a ReWire client. Max can be a client to an open host application just by choosing "ad_rewire" as the MSP audio driver in the DSP Status window. Alternatively, you can use Max as the host (mixer) application by including the rewire~ object in your program.