Get column from jit.matrix
If you want to isolate a particular subset of a matrix—such as a single column, or a single row, or really any rectangular portion of the matrix—a handy object for that purpose is jit.submatrix.
If you want to isolate a particular subset of a matrix—such as a single column, or a single row, or really any rectangular portion of the matrix—a handy object for that purpose is jit.submatrix.
The jit.rota object can zoom an image in or out, along the x dimension, the y dimension, or both. It can also be used to shift an image along the x dimension, the y dimension, or both. In this example, we use both zooming and shifting.
This example shows how you can make changes to only one plane of a matrix. In order to achieve this, we need to rely on jit.unpack, which by itself separates the planes on a matrix (actually creating a copy), and then add the modified plane (with some process to be included inside the patcher oneplane object) to the original matrix.
This example shows how to link waveform~ loop points and loop points. For information about QuickTime time formats, see "Appendix A of the Jitter Tutorials: QuickTime Confidential".
jit.matrixset has write and read messages that allow you to store and recall its contents in a file, just as you would do with most presets.
Here is a way to create text that moves across the surface of a sphere. Click the jit.window object in the patch to see the animated result.
Here’s a way to store all of matrixctrl’s settings in a jit.matrix, and recall them whenever the matrixctrl is resized by messages. The maximum size is set at 32×32, but you can modify it to suit your needs.
This example shows you how you can implement twitter posts into a video without using JavaScript. There is also some information about text wrapping in the forum if you're interested.
This patch shows how to use line with lcd to create a moving image.