Displaying MIDI note values using jit.lcd
The example shows how to display the note value of a midi note input in a jit.window as a rectangle. The x position of the rectangle is determined by the value of the midi note input.
The example shows how to display the note value of a midi note input in a jit.window as a rectangle. The x position of the rectangle is determined by the value of the midi note input.
This example shows a couple of different Jitter techniques. It shows how you can very simply use a MIDI control value to alter a Jitter attribute. In this case, the MIDI values from a modulation wheel (continuous controller 1), which range from 0 to 127, are divided by 127.0 to provide an xfade value from 0. to 1. to the jit.xfade object, to crossfade between two movie files.
This example shows how to show a color on jit.pwindow by using jit.matrix.
This patch shows how to switch between which of three different video files is being displayed on jit.window.
This example shows how to use the different attributes for jit.qt.movie.
This example shows how to use jit.matrix to randomly alter the color of horizontal bars displayed in a jit.pwindow after a fixed delay.
This example uses jit.change to report when a jit.matrix object is altered.
This example uses jit.lcd to visualize a float on a jit.window using the write message.
This patch uses a jit.matrix to move a line across the screen by first using the setall message to set all the cells of the jit.matrix to 255 which causes all pixels in the display window to be set to white. Next the counter object sets a cell of the jit.matrix determined by the counter object to 0 which causes the corresponding column of pixels in the display window to turn black.