Palindrome Counter

What if I want to use a counter to drive a step sequencer and add a palindrome, always counting from 1 to 16, and from 16 to 1 again so that it will be kept in sync.
Solution 1: Run a counter object from 0 to 17. Use the number 0 and 17 to trigger a bang to change the direction. The output values from the right most outlet of select object will be counting 1 through 16, and 16 through 1.
Solution 2: Send a bang to two counter objects: one counting upwards from 1 to 16, and another one counting backwards from 16 to 1, via gswitch2 object. Trigger a bang every time the counter objects hit 16 or 1, and send it to the gswitch2 object. It will then switch the gate between upward and downward counter objects.