Choose randomly from a list of numbers with table
This example demonstrates how to output randomly-chosen numbers from a list using the random and table objects.
This example demonstrates how to output randomly-chosen numbers from a list using the random and table objects.
This example shows how you can continue to output random numbers without duplicating.
One way to superimpose 2D graphics over a video is to draw into a jit.lcd object and then use alpha masking to overlay the jit.lcd contents on top of the video image.
This patch is intended to show how to generate any desired range of numbers by some combination of the following operations: 1) generate a set of possible numbers with one of the number-generating objects shown in the example "Some objects for generating numbers", 2) optionally scale the size of the range by multiplying all the numbers by a common factor, 3) optionally offset the range by adding a certain amount to each of the numbers, 4) optionally use those numbers to look up a stored set of desire
This patch shows four objects that are useful for generating numbers, each with a different behavior. The arguments to these objects determine how many different possible numbers the object will generate, and the range of those numbers. The range can be changed, though, by scaling (multiplying) them and/or by offsetting (adding something to) them.
This patch demonstrates a way to generate random numbers within a specified range.
This patch shows several techniques relevant to granular synthesis, playing a stream of short excerpts of recorded sound. (The patch uses one abstraction, called pan~, that's provided in the example titled "Constant-intensity panning subpatch". You'll need to download that abstraction and save it with the name pan~ somewhere in Max's file search path.)
You can use the gettime message to ask for a report of its video's current time location (in QuickTime time units). The report comes out of the right outlet of as the word time followed by the current time.