
Route signal for audio and control data

The way audio Max compiles audio signal networks is, whenever audio is turned on, MSP outlets send out the message ‘signal’. (In other words, that’s how Max knows how MSP objects are connected to each other, and thus knows how to calculate the audio signal network.) The [route signal] object detects the selector ‘signal’ and sends a ‘bang’ out its left outlet in response. The [t signal] object converts that ‘bang’ back into the message ‘signal’.

Match demo

Every number that comes in the left inlet of the match object—whether individually or as part of a list—gets used, in order, for the list-matching comparison. So, if it is looking for the list "1 1" and you send in lists "0 1", "1 1", "1 2", and "1 3" in that order, it’s as if match had received "1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3", and in that message it can find two matches for "1 1": at the 3rd and 4th items, and at the 4th and 5th items.

Some objects for generating numbers

This patch shows four objects that are useful for generating numbers, each with a different behavior. The arguments to these objects determine how many different possible numbers the object will generate, and the range of those numbers. The range can be changed, though, by scaling (multiplying) them and/or by offsetting (adding something to) them.

Message ordering in Max

Even though Max is graphical, object-based, and event-driven (responds to user events like mouse clicks, key strokes, MIDI data, etc.), it's still sequential. Every message is sent (or scheduled to be sent) at a specific time, and nothing happens truly simultaneously. Therefore, it's important to be conscious of the precise order in which things occur. Study the example above to be sure you understand the way that Max orders messages.