
Detect when an audio event occurs

To detect when an audio event (such as a musical note) occurs, one straightforward method is to test whether the peak amplitude of the audio signal surpasses an established threshold that's slightly above the level of the ambient noise floor. The peakamp~ object periodically reports the greatest absolute value of amplitude that has occurred during the specified time interval. For quick response, that interval should usually be every 10 to 30 milliseconds.

Sixteen Harmonics

This example plays the first sixteen harmonics based on a fundamental frequency where the rate at which each harmonic play is period / # of harmonic. For example, with a period of 10000 ms—meaning the fundamental plays every 10000 ms—the 4th harmonic will be heard every 10000/4 ms, or 2500 ms.

Saving slider values

There are several ways to initialize UI objects, but the data is not stored with the object itself (except for the Live objects). Triggering an initializing message to the object with loadbang is one way. See also loadmess, patcherargs, and pattr.

Linear mapping equation (lmap)

The term "mapping" refers to making a map of correspondences between a source domain and some other "target" range. (Think of the game where you are given words in one category and are challenged to try to find an appropriate correspondence in another category, as in "Kitten is to cat as puppy is to ...".) The simplest kind of numerical mapping is called "linear mapping". That's when a one-to-one correspondence is drawn from every value in a source range X to a value that holds an exactly comparable position in a target range Y.