
Polyphony requires multiple objects

Any given MSP patch cord represents a single channel of audio. If you want to generate or process multiple sounds or channels, you need to treat each sound or channel separately. For example, each sfplay~ object can have multiple loaded sound cues so that it's ready to play any one of several files, but it can only play one sound file at any given instant. And if it's a stereo file you need to treat each channel separately for mixing, processing, etc. This patch demonstrates that.

Variable-mode filter demo

This patch allows you to try out various filter settings of the biquad~ object, via the filtergraph~ object. For adjusting the parameters you can drag on filtergraph~ with the mouse, or you can send values in its three rightmost inlets for frequency, gain, and Q. The spectroscope~ object tries to draw the spectrum of the signal.

Linear interpolation over time

The line object sends out a periodic series of numbers that progress to some new value over a certain amount of time. The input to line is a destination value (where it should eventually arrive), a transition time (how long it should take to get there), and a time interval between outputs (how often it should send out intermediate values along the way). The left part of this patch shows the use of line to generate integers that are used as pitches.