
Delay a matrix

This patch demonstrates a way to create a video delay effect using jit.matrixset. The jit.matrixset object is essentially an array of Jitter matrices. One of the things you can do with such an array is store a set of past frames of a video to recall later. Here we use the array as a circular buffer of the most recent 30 video frames to come out of jit.qt.movie.


This program assumes that you have a folder of image files (jpg, etc.) that you want to show as a slideshow. This program also assumes that those images all have the same dimensions.

The program assumes images that are 320x240 pixels. If you want to use another size, you should change the dimensions of the jit.qt.movie objects and the size of the jit.window. Images that do not have a 4:3 aspect ratio will get distorted when shown fullscreen, unless some adjustments are made.

jit.gt.movie loopstart

This example lets you loop a movie, and jump to the beginning of the loop point by defining with a ‘looppoints’ attribute, and using ‘getloopstart’ to retrieve the loop’s starting time to be set to the time attribute for the jit.qt.movie object.

Stitch MOV frames

Q: I would like to stitch the frames of a MOV and create one big frame in another matrix by stitching all of the frames one after another vertically so I can save it as one bmp. Basically, I would like to create a concatenated film strip image like you can do with ImageMagick or Image Stitcher.