
Expanding vibrato on an ascending glissando

A single phasor~ object can serve to synchronize several different modulations. In this example, the phasor~ is scaled and applied in three different ways. On the left side of the patch, the output of the phasor~ is cubed (multiplied by itself, then multiplied by itself again) so that it's a gentle curve instead of a straight line; that curve is then scaled by a factor of 1760, offset by 220, and used as the central frequency of the cycle~ object.

Amplitude modulation of sinusoidal tones

Amplitude modulation is the use of one oscillator—usually but not obligatorily at a sub-audio frequency—to modify the amplitude of a sound. (Ring modulation, shown in Multiplication of Sine Tones, is one particular example of amplitude modulation.) The modulating oscillator is added to a main amplitude value to create an amplitude that fluctuates up and down from the central value. The result, at low modulation frequencies, is called "tremolo".

Addition of sinusoidal tones

To play two tones, you need two oscillators: two cycle~ objects). To mix them together, simply add the two signals with a +~ object. (For digital signals, addition is mixing.) To control the amplitude, multiply it by some factor, using a *~ object. (Multiplication is amplification.)


This patch demonstrates wave interference with two cycle~ objects, and offers two ways of visualizing the audio signal, with scope~ or by creating your own scope with Jitter.

Frequency modulation

Frequency modulation refers to using the output of a low-frequency oscillator to continually alter (modulate) the frequency of another oscillator. This example provides the user control of the amplitude and frequency of both the "carrier" oscillator (the one we hear directly) and the "modulator" oscillator (the effect of which we hear indirectly). The output of the modulating oscillator is added to a constant (the main frequency), thus causing the carrier frequency to fluctuate up and down around that central frequency.

Generate classic waveforms

There are certain wave types that are historically used in electronic music, known as "classic" waveforms: sine, sawtooth, square, and triangle. These are the four waveforms generated by the classic Moog synthesizer oscillators, and are still quite useful in computer music.