

This program assumes that you have a folder of image files (jpg, etc.) that you want to show as a slideshow. This program also assumes that those images all have the same dimensions.

The program assumes images that are 320x240 pixels. If you want to use another size, you should change the dimensions of the objects and the size of the jit.window. Images that do not have a 4:3 aspect ratio will get distorted when shown fullscreen, unless some adjustments are made.

Output matrix values to a number box

To output matrix values to a number box, use metro 1000 to bang a counter object, and use that output as the matrix coordinate for the getcell message. Please note that the third outlet of counter does not send out a bang unless you tell it to (with a carrybang message). It sends out a 1 when the counter reaches its maximum, and a 0 on the next output. This causes a double trigger.