

Christopher Dobrian has retired from teaching at UC Irvine.
Below is a listing of courses and syllabi.


Past Courses

Spring 2024

Music 157/237: Harmony for Composers

A methodology for the panstylistic integration of established and experimental approaches to harmony, and their practical application in contemporary music composition. Students employ a wide variety of harmonic organization techniques in compositional studies,and produce demo recordings of their composition études. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 199: Independent Study

Independent preparation for the Bachelor of Arts senior project. (2 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Individual research and writing, and/or qualifying exam preparation and writing. (4 units)

Winter 2024

Music 147 / Informatics 190:
Computer Audio and Music Programming

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in focused assignments and student-designed programming projects. The course provides basic knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Ability to program in a language such as C, C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript, or in a specialized music programming environment such as Max or Pd is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 150: Composition

Seminar on techniques of music composition, for Music majors, focusing on new styles and techniques developed in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the use of computers for music notation and audio production. Prerequisite: Music 16C. (4 units) With UCI login, see course website.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Individual research and writing, and/or qualifying exam preparation and writing. (4 units)

Fall 2023

Music 16D: Theory and Musicianship

The fourth quarter of a four-quarter sequence of courses teaching fundamentals of
Western classical music theory and related musicianship skills. Prerequisite: Music 16C.
(Coming soon: See the course website for more information.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Individual research and writing, and/or qualifying exam preparation and writing. (4 units)

Spring 2022

Music 147 / Computer Science 190 / Informatics 190:
Computer Audio and Music Programming

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in focused assignments and student-designed programming projects. The course provides basic knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Ability to program in a language such as C, C++, Java, Python, or JavaScript, or in a specialized music programming environment such as Max or Pd is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 290: Dissertation Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4-12 units)

Music 299: Independent Study

Individual research and development. (4 units)

Winter 2022

Music H80: Experiments in Music

This class deals with two types of experiment as they have been applied in music. One is the attempt to explain our cognition of music by means of scientific experimental methodology. The other is the attempt to expand the domain of music by exploring previously unknown ways of making it. The intention is to learn about music more profoundly by studying it from both scientific and artistic vantage points. (4 units, open only to students participating in the Campuswide Honors Collegium. See the course website for more information.

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors. Prerequisite: Music 51 or consent of instructor. See the course website for more information. (4 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215A: Computer Music Composition and Production

Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors. See the course website for more information. (4 units)

Music 290: Dissertation Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4-12 units)

Music 299: Independent Study

Individual research and writing. (2 units)

Fall 2021

Music 16D: Theory and Musicianship

The fourth quarter of a four-quarter sequence of courses teaching fundamentals of
Western classical music theory and related musicianship skills. Prerequisite: Music 16C.
(See the course website for more information.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 290: Dissertation Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Music 299: Independent Study

Individual research and writing. (2 units)

Spring 2021

Music 147: Computer Audio and Music Programming
(CompSci 190 / In4MatX 190)

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in focused assignments and student-designed programming projects. The course provides basic knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program in a language such as C, Java, Python, or JavaScript is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Individual research and writing, and/or qualifying exam preparation and writing. (4 units)

Music 290: Dissertation Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Music 299: Independent Study

Computer audio and music programming in the Max and JavaScript programming environments. (2 units)

Winter 2021

Music 157/237: Harmony for Composers

A methodology for the integration of established and experimental approaches to harmony, and their practical application in contemporary music composition. Students employ a wide variety of harmonic organization techniques in compositional studies,and produce demo recordings of their composition études. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 209: Creative Practices

Seminar for graduate students in the Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology (ICIT) Ph.D. program. Composition and presentation of original student works, lectures on topic related to the creative process, and analysis and discussion of musical works.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Fall 2020

University Studies 3: Freshman Seminar - "How a Composer Thinks"

Students encounter new music and new perspectives on its production from composers past and present, reading and hearing firsthand accounts by composers discussing the process of composition. No prior music training is required. (1 unit) With UCI login, see class website for details.

Music 150: Composition

Seminar on techniques of music composition, for Music majors, focusing on new styles and techniques developed in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the use of computers for music notation and audio production. Prerequisite: Music 16C. (4 units) With UCI login, see course website.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for doctoral students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Spring 2020

Music 147: Computer Audio and Music Programming
(CompSci 190 / In4MatX 190)

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in focused assignments and student-designed programming projects. The course provides basic knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program in a language such as C, Java, Python, or JavaScript is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Music 299: Independent Study: Algorithmic Composition Programming

Computer audio and music programming in the Max and JavaScript programming environments. (2 units)

Winter 2020

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215A: Computer Music Composition and Production

Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors. [See course website.] (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Music 299: Independent Study: Max Programming Lab

Selected topics in computer audio and music programming in the Max programming environment. (2 units)

Fall 2019

Music H80: Experiments in Music

This class deals with two types of experiment as they have been applied in music. One is the attempt to explain our cognition of music by means of scientific experimental methodology. The other is the attempt to expand the domain of music by exploring previously unknown ways of making it. The intention is to learn about music more profoundly by studying it from both scientific and artistic vantage points. (4 units, open only to students participating in the Campuswide Honors Collegium. See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Spring 2019

Music 147: Computer Audio and Music Programming
(CompSci 190 / In4MatX 190)

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in focused assignments and student-designed programming projects. The course provides basic knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program in a language such as C, Java, Python, or JavaScript is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See the course website for more information.) (4 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Winter 2019

Informatics 199: Individual Study

Supervision of independent research in musical informatics. (4 units)

Music 176: Contemporary Chamber Ensemble

Rehearsal and recording of contemporary string quartet music composed by students of the ICIT graduate program. (2 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215A: Computer Music Composition and Production

Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors. [See syllabus.] (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Spring 2018

Music H80: Experiments in Music

This class deals with two types of experiment as they have been applied in music. One is the attempt to explain our cognition of music by means of scientific experimental methodology. The other is the attempt to expand the domain of music by exploring previously unknown ways of making it. The intention is to learn about music more profoundly by studying it from both scientific and artistic vantage points. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Winter 2018

Music 176: Contemporary Ensemble

Chamber ensemble for the performance of contemporary music, including newly composed and improvised forms. (2 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215A: Computer Music Composition and Production

Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors. [See syllabus.] (4 units)

Music 239: Thesis Colloquium

ICIT students present their thesis work-in-progress for discussion and criticism. Faculty and visiting artists/scholars also present their current work. [See website.] (1 or 2 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Music 276: Contemporary Ensemble

Chamber ensemble for the performance of contemporary music, including newly composed and improvised forms. (2 units)

Fall 2017

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing. (4 units)

Spring 2017

Music H80: Experiments in Music

This class deals with two types of experiment as they have been applied in music. One is the attempt to explain our cognition of music by means of scientific experimental methodology. The other is the attempt to expand the domain of music by exploring previously unknown ways of making it. The intention is to learn about music more profoundly by studying it from both scientific and artistic vantage points. (See course website.)

Music 199: Independent Study: Computer Music Performance

Lessons in the composition and programming of music performances for acoustic instruments, electronic devices, and computers. (2 units)

Winter 2017

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Exercises in the composition of music uniquely possible by computer, including digital signal processing, computer control of synthesizers and processors, and algorithmic composition. Demonstrations and musical analyses in class; considerable studio work outside class. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 250: Directed Research

Doctoral dissertation preparation, research, and writing.

Fall 2016

Music 209: Creative Practices

Core first-year seminar required for graduate students in the Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology Ph.D. program. Composition and presentation of original student works, lecture, and discussion.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215A: Computer Music Composition and Production

Study of the composition and production of music made uniquely possible by the computer, including usage of prevalent digital music technology, techniques of digital signal processing, and computer control of synthesizers and audio processors.

Spring 2016

Music 147: Computer Audio and Music Programming

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in focused assignments and student-designed programming projects. The course provides basic knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program in a language such as C, Java, Python, or JavaScript is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (With UCI login, see course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 276: Graduate Ensemble

Students will rehearse and perform chamber ensemble works from the contemporary repertoire chosen and/or composed for them, focusing on techniques and musical issues particular to modern music.

Winter 2016

Music 150: Composition

Seminar in techniques of music composition, for Music majors, focusing on new styles and techniques developed in the 20th century.
Prerequisite: Music 16C.
(With UCI login, see course syllabus.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215B: Computer Music Programming

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT graduate students.
This seminar examines computer programming principles and techniques crucial to the development of applications for algorithmic composition, digital audio signal processing, interactive computer-mediated performance, and multimedia: theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer music.
(With UCI login, see course syllabus.)

Spring 2015

Music 199: Independent Study

Supervised research on selected advanced topics for graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students. (2 units)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of MFA study in ICIT. (4 units)

Winter 2015

Music 150: Composition

Seminar in techniques of music composition, for Music majors, focusing on new styles and techniques developed in the 20th century. Prerequisite: Music 16C. (See course website.)

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. Prerequisite: Music 51 or Art 106A or Dance 163 or consent of instructor. (See course website.)

Music 176: Contemporary Chamber Ensemble

Study, rehearsal, and performance of chamber music works that introduce contemporary problems of interpretation, notation, and performance practice. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 1 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer music and multimedia. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer music. (See course website.)

Fall 2014

Music 16D: Theory and Musicianship

Intermediate training in music theory and musicianship skills. The class reviews and extend topics covered in Music 15ABC and Music 16ABC, and introduces additional theoretical concepts and approaches to sightsinging and rhythm performance. Prerequisite: Completion of Music 15ABC and Music 16ABC always with a grade of C- or better. (See course website.)

Music 209: Creative Practices

Course 1 of a three-course first-year core seminar required for graduate students in the Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology emphasis of the M.F.A. program in Music. The goal is to develop effective personal technique and methodology in producing new musical work, while establishing a process of creative experimentation. (See course syllabus.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT. (4 units)

Spring 2014

Music 147 (CompSci 190): Computer Audio and Music Programming

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of psychoacoustics, digital audio, signal processing, and music representation are explored as they apply to software design and implementation, and these concepts are put into practice in student-designed programming projects. The course provides knowledge and experience required for programming audio and music applications and for pursuing advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program in C and/or Java is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT. (4 units)

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer music and multimedia. (See course website.)

Winter 2014

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Music composition methods made uniquely possible by computer, including digital signal processing, computer control of synthesizers and processors, and algorithmic composition. Demonstrations and musical analyses in class; considerable studio work outside class. Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 20 students. (See course website.)

Music 191: Theory and Musicianship

Review of tonal harmonic theory -- Baroque, Classical/Romantic, and 20th-century/Jazz -- to prepare students for advanced courses and graduate seminars in analysis and post-tonal music. Emphasis will be on the interrelationship of harmonic theory, tonal counterpoint, and sightsinging. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT. (4 units)

Fall 2013

University Studies 4: Transfer Seminar - "How a Composer Thinks"

Students encounter new music and new perspectives on its production from composers past and present, reading and hearing firsthand accounts by composers discussing the process of composition. No prior music training is required. (1 unit) See class website for details.

Music 176: Electronic Chamber Ensemble

Chamber ensemble for the composition, improvisation, and performance of electronic and electro-acoustic music. Class sessions include an introduction to synthesizers and electronic processing devices, group composition, and rehearsal of new works. Outside work includes composition and arranging studies and small group rehearsals. (2 units) See class website for details.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT. (4 units)

Summer 2013

Music 51: Music Technology and Computers

A study of the influence of technology on the musical culture and aesthetics from the twentieth century to the present, with particular emphasis on the role of the computer. Work includes lectures, readings, listenings, discussions, demonstrations, writing, and experimentation. (See course website.)

Spring 2013

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer music and multimedia. Students focus on key writings and pieces in the genre while developing their own interactive computer music works. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Winter 2013

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition of music made uniquely possible by computer, including digital recording and signal processing, computer control of synthesizers and processors, and algorithmic composition. Demonstrations and musical analyses in class; considerable independent research and studio work outside class. Prerequisite: Music 51 or consent of instructor. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Fall 2012

Music 16D: Theory/Musicianship

Intermediate training in music theory and musicianship skills. The class reviews and extend topics covered in Music 15ABC and Music 16ABC, and introduces additional theoretical concepts and approaches to sightsinging and rhythm performance. Prerequisite: Completion of Music 15ABC and Music 16ABC always with a grade of C- or better. (See course website.)

Music 209: Creative Practices

Course 1 of a three-course first-year core seminar required for graduate students in the Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology emphasis of the M.F.A. program in Music. The goal is to develop effective personal technique and methodology in developing new musical work, while establishing a process of creative experimentation. (See course syllabus.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Spring 2012

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition and production of recorded music using personal computers for digital signal processing and control of synthesizers. Practical application of digital audio production software and MIDI, and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, compositional exercises, and original composition. Instruction and projects are carried out in state-of-the-art facilities using industry-standard software. Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 18 students. (See course website.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition and thesis preparation for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Music 215: Seminar in Music Technology

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer music and multimedia. Students focus on key writings and pieces in the genre while developing their own interactive computer music works. (See course website.)

Winter 2012

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. Prerequisite: Music 151 or Studio Art 106 or consent of instructor. (See course website.)

Music 199: Independent Study

Student-directed research in advanced topics of music composition and computer music technology.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Music 215: Seminar in Music Technology

Course 1 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. (See course website.)

Music 239: Thesis Colloquium

Faculty, visiting artists and scholars, and second-year Master's students present their current research and creative activity for discussion and criticism. Required for all students in ICIT, and open to all MFA Music students. (See course website.)

Fall 2011

Music 150: Composition

Seminar in techniques of music composition, for Music majors. Prerequisite: Music 16C. (Students can find the syllabus, readings, and assignments online.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Spring 2011

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. Prerequisite: Music 151 or Studio Art 106 or consent of instructor. (See course website.)

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer music and multimedia performance. (See course website.)

Winter 2011

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition and production of recorded music using personal computers for digital signal processing and control of synthesizers. Practical application of digital audio production software and MIDI, and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, compositional exercises, and original composition. Instruction and projects are carried out in state-of-the-art facilities using industry-standard software. Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 18 students. (See course website.)

Music 176: Chamber Orchestra

Orchestra devoted to the rehearsal and performance of contemporary music, especially new works by UCI Music Department composers. (See course website.)

Music 215: Graduate Seminar in Music Technology

Course 1 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. (See course website.)

Music 239: MFA Thesis Colloquium

Faculty, visiting artists and scholars, and second-year Master's students present their current research and creative activity for discussion and criticism. Required for second-year students in ICIT, and open to all second-year MFA Music students. First-year ICIT students are advised to audit these sessions. (See course website.)

Fall 2010

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Seminar in composition for graduate students in their first year of Master's level study in ICIT. (See syllabus.)

Summer 2010

Music 147: Digital Music Production

Technologies and techniques for the production of recorded music using computers. Practical application of digital audio production software for recording, editing, mixing, and digital signal processing, and for control of MIDI synthesizers. Investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work includes lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, production exercises, and some original composition or arranging. (See course website.)

Spring 2010

Music 150: Composition

Seminar in techniques of music composition, for Music majors. Prerequisite: Music 16D. (Students can find the syllabus, readings, and assignments online.

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. Prerequisite: Music 151 or Studio Art 106 or consent of instructor. (See course website.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Private lessons in composition for undergraduate students majoring in Music with an emphasis in Composition. Prerequisite: Music 150 (Composition).

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. (See course website.)

Winter 2010

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition and production of recorded music using personal computers for digital signal processing and control of synthesizers. Practical application of digital audio production software and MIDI, and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, compositional exercises, and original composition. Instruction and projects are carried out in state-of-the-art facilities using industry-standard software. Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 18 students. (See course website.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Private lessons in composition for undergraduate students majoring in Music with an emphasis in Composition. Prerequisite: Music 150 (Composition).

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in composition for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in ICIT.

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 1 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Computer music composition and production, practical application of digital audio production software and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. (See course website.)

Music 239: Thesis Colloquium

Faculty, visiting artists and scholars, and second-year Master's students present their current research and creative activity for discussion and criticism. Required for second-year students in ICIT, and open to all second-year Master's students. (See course website.)

Fall 2009

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Private lessons in composition for undergraduate students majoring in Music with an emphasis in Composition. Prerequisite: Music 150 (Composition).

Music 191: Tutorial: Counterpoint

Study of tonal counterpoint of the baroque and classical periods, and its extension by composers of the twentieth century into new tonal and post-tonal languages.

Music 192: Senior Project

Supervised capstone senior projects for completion of the Bachelor of Arts degree in Music.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Seminar in composition for graduate students in their first year of Master's level study in ICIT. (See syllabus.)

Spring 2009

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. Prerequisite: Music 151 or Studio Art 106 or consent of instructor. (See course website.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Private lessons in composition for undergraduate students majoring in Music with an emphasis in Composition. Prerequisite: Music 150 (Composition).

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Seminar in composition for graduate students in their first year of Master's level study in ICIT. (See syllabus.)

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 2 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. (See course website.)

Winter 2009

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition and production of recorded music using personal computers for digital signal processing and control of synthesizers. Practical application of digital audio production software and MIDI, and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, compositional exercises, and original composition. Instruction and projects are carried out in state-of-the-art facilities using industry-standard software. Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 12 students. (See course website.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Private lessons in composition for undergraduate students majoring in Music with an emphasis in Composition. Prerequisite: Music 150 (Composition).

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Private lessons in composition for graduate students in their second year of Master's level study in Composition and Technology or ICIT.

Music 215: Music Technology

Course 1 of a two-course sequence in computer music for ICIT Master's students. Computer music composition and production, practical application of digital audio production software and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. (See course website.)

Music 239: Thesis Colloquium

Faculty, visiting artists and scholars, and second-year Master's students present their current research and creative activity for discussion and criticism. Required for second-year students in ICIT, and open to all second-year Master's students. (See course website.)

Summer 2008

Music 147: Digital Music Production

Technologies and techniques for the production of recorded music using computers. Practical application of digital audio production software for recording, editing, mixing, and digital signal processing, and for control of MIDI synthesizers. Investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work includes lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, production exercises, and some original composition.

Spring 2008

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Seminar and individual lessons in instrumental composition.

Music 215: Music Technology

Graduate course in computer music programming. This term focuses on the use of Max/MSP/Jitter for algorithmic composition, audio synthesis and processing, and realtime interactive performance works for computer music and multimedia.

Winter 2008

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition and production of recorded music using personal computers for digital signal processing and for control of synthesizers. Practical application of digital audio production software and MIDI, and investigation of new ideas in computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures/demonstrations, analysis of recorded music, compositional exercises, and original composition. Instruction and projects are carried out in state-of-the-art facilities using industry-standard software. (See course syllabus.) Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 12 students.

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Music majors emphasizing Composition.

Music 215: Music Technology

Graduate course in computer music composition. This term focuses on professional software tools for audio recording, production, and composition, and uniquely computer-based concepts and techniques of composition.

Fall 2007

Music 51: Music Technology and Computers

A study of the influence of technology on the musical culture and aesthetics of America in the last 100 years, with particular emphasis on the role of the computer. Work includes lectures, readings, listenings, discussions, demonstrations, writing, and experimentation.

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Music majors emphasizing Composition.

Spring 2007

Music 150: Composition

Seminar in techniques of music composition, for Music majors. Prerequisite: Music 16D. (Students can find the syllabus, readings, and assignments online.

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art using Max/MSP/Jitter. (See course website.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Music majors emphasizing Composition.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology.

Music 215: Music Technology

Techniques of computer music and multimedia programming. For Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology.

Winter 2007

Music 147: Computer Audio and Music Programming

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of digital signal processing are explored as they apply to audio, and these concepts are put into practice in student-designed programming projects. The course provides the knowledge and experience required for advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program (in C, Java, Csound, Max/MSP, or Pd) is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See course syllabus and course web site.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Music majors emphasizing Composition.

Music 176: Electronic Music Performance

A project-based study of the technical details and musical concepts involved in live electronic music performance.
The main objectives of the class are:
1) to develop confidence and self-sufficiency in dealing with the basic technology of music performance involving electronics, such as microphones, cables and plugs, mixers, amplifiers and speakers, synthesizers, and audio effects processors (and, to a much lesser extent, personal computers),
2) to discuss the aesthetic issues of music and performance that involve electronics,
3) to produce interesting sounds and new types of performance involving electronics, especially synthesizers and effects processors,
4) to produce, rehearse, and perform a public concert of new music for synthesizers.
The class will culminate in a synthesizer extravaganza concert at the end of the quarter, which will also be performed publicly in the Beall Center for Art + Technology early in Spring quarter.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology.

Spring 2006

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art using Max/MSP/Jitter. (See course website.)

Music 230: Seminar in Contemporary Music: Time Structure in Music

Time is the medium in which music transpires. Form and rhythm are sonic articulations of time on the large and small level; and now computers enable us to study time with great objective precision, even on the microscopic level. However, time remains largely a mystery. We don't have a specific sense organ that perceives it (as we do for light and sound), we can't feel it or grasp it, and we perceive it differently in different contexts. Scientists and philosophers have written extensively on the elusive nature of time. Musicians and other time-based artists (e.g., filmmakers) have established many ways of contemplating, managing, and composing the passage of time. This course will study what time is, some of the many ways it is perceived, measured, and discussed, and how musicians "shape" time with sound. The course will be conducted as a graduate seminar, with assigned readings, student-led discussion, and individual research/writing/presentations on selected subtopics. Ability to read a musical score is highly recommended. (See course website.)

Fall 2006

University Studies 4: Transfer Seminar: Composing Music with Computers

Many music composers and performers are using computers in experimental and unexpected ways. In addition to using computers for traditional tasks such as music notation, recording, and production, some adventurous musicians are also programming computers to play a more active role in music making, to actually compose music, improvise music, synthesize and process new sounds, and generate entire multimedia spectacles. The professor will discuss his own work and that of other musicians in this experimental research field of "musically intelligent" computers. Seminar sessions will include demonstrations and discussions; homework will include reading and listening assignments. (Note: This is not a hands-on class in the use of computer music software. See the UCI Catalogue for information on regularly offered computer music courses.) All majors welcome. For more information, see the course syllabus.

Winter 2006

Music 147: Computer Audio and Music Programming

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound and music. Essential premises of digital signal processing are explored as they apply to audio, and these concepts are put into practice in student-designed programming projects. The course provides the knowledge and experience required for advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. Some ability to program (in C, Java, Csound, Max/MSP, or Pd) is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended. (See course syllabus and course web site.)

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Exercises in the composition of music uniquely possible by computer, including digital signal processing, computer control of synthesizers and processors, and algorithmic composition. Demonstrations and musical analyses in class; considerable studio work outside class. Prerequisite: Music 51 or consent of instructor. (Prospective students can see the syllabus from the previous year's course.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology. (Students can find the syllabus online.

Fall 2005

Music 150: Undergraduate Composition

Seminar in techniques of music composition, for Music majors. Prerequisite: Music 16D. (Students can find the syllabus, readings, and assignments online.

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Lessons in modern music composition, for Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology. (Students can find the syllabus online.

Summer 2005

COSMOS 2005: Computer Music and Computer Graphics

COSMOS summer camp in math and science for California high school students. Cluster 3, "Computer Music and Computer Graphics" focuses on the physics and psychophysics of sound, music, light, and image, and on the mathematical and computational principles behind representing and manipulating music and images. Students learn to program in the widely-used visual programming environment Max/MSP/Jitter for MIDI, digital audio, computer graphics, and digital video. Students develop their own applications for sound processing, algorithmic music-making, 2D and 3D graphics, and multimedia presentation.

Spring 2005

University Studies 3: Freshman Seminar - Music with Computers

Computers are used in very many aspects of music making today: CD and MP3 files are the main means of transmitting music, digital drum machines and samplers have replaced or supplemented the instrumentation of many bands, computer hard-disk recording has replaced the traditional studio, and experimental artists are performing with laptops, computer VJ systems, and a variety of customized digital equipment. This seminar will examine the many ways computers have changed the music world. Seminar sessions will include discussions and demonstrations; homework will include listening and reading assignments. (See course website.)

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming
(Can also be taken as Music 215 or ACE 277)

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art using Max/MSP/Jitter. (See course website.)

Winter 2005

Music 147: Computer Audio: Musical Applications of Digital Signal Processing
(Can also be taken as ICS 180 or ECE 195 or Music 215 or ACE 277)

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound. Essential premises of digital signal processing are explored as they apply to audio, and these concepts are put into practice in student-designed programming projects. The course provides the knowledge and experience required for advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. (See course syllabus and course web site.) Ability to program in some language is required (C, Java, or MSP). Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended.

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition using personal computers for digital signal processing and for control of synthesizers. Concentration on the theoretical bases of DSP and MIDI, practical computer applications of those ideas, and investigation of computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures, demonstrations, readings, listenings, compositional exercises, and original composition. (See course syllabus.) Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 12 students.

Music 215: Music Technology

Individual lessons in computer music composition. For second-year Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology.

Fall 2004

Music 16D: Theory/Musicianship

Advanced tonal harmony; advanced tonal sightsinging, introduction to singing atonal melodies; performance of complex rhythms; approaches to analysis of European classical and other tonal music; composition based on established theoretical models. Prerequisite: Music 16C or demonstrated equivalency. (Students, see the course website for information about the class.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Individual lessons in modern music composition. For Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology.

Spring 2004

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer multimedia art. (See course syllabus.)

Winter 2004

Music 147: Computer Audio: Musical Applications of Digital Signal Processing
(Can also be taken as ICS 180 or ECE 195 or ACE 277)

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound. Essential premises of digital signal processing are explored as they apply to audio, and these concepts are put into practice in student-designed programming projects. The course provides the knowledge and experience required for advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. (See course syllabus and course web site.) Ability to program in some language is required (C, Java, or MSP). Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended.

Music 151: Computer Music Composition

Composition using personal computers for digital signal processing and for control of synthesizers. Concentration on the theoretical bases of DSP and MIDI, practical computer applications of those ideas, and investigation of computer-aided composition. Work will include lectures, demonstrations, readings, listenings, compositional exercises, and original composition. (See course syllabus.) Prerequisite: Music 51 (Music Technology and Computers) or consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 12 students.

Fall 2003

Selected Research Topic: Algorithmic Composition

Study of historical and experimental approaches to formalizing the compositional process, including statistical probability, mathematical formulae, computer programming paradigms, sonification of non-musical data, artificial intelligence, learning systems, and interactive systems. (See course outline and list of readings.)

Selected Research Topic: Digital Signal Processing

Application of digital signal processing techniques to the synthesis and processing of sound, including filter theory, convolution, Fourier analysis/synthesis, phase vocoding, and physical modeling. (See course outline.)

Spring 2003

Realtime Control

Programming interactive computer music performance, interactive installation art, and other types of computer-mediated performance. (See course syllabus.)

Selected Research Topic: Jitter

Integrating live video processing, realtime data visualization, computer music, and interactive performance, using Max/MSP/Jitter. (See course syllabus.)

Fall 2002

University Studies 3: Experiments in Music

This seminar will focus on two kinds of experimentation in music. One is experimentation in acoustics, audio perception, and cognition, which is conducted in an attempt to give us a better understanding of the effects of music. A second is the experimental use of new means of sound production and new methods of composition, in an effort to expand the musical culture in interesting ways. In both cases, scientific method and ideas from other disciplines are used to give us new understanding of the phenomenon of music. No prerequisite. (See the Freshman Seminar website for more information about the Freshman Seminar program.) Students can find their assignments online.

Music 201A: Graduate Analysis

A survey of approaches to understanding Western music by analyzing its composition, its performance, its theoretical and aesthetic bases, and its role in contemporary culture. (See course syllabus.) Prerequisites: Music 35B (Post-tonal Theory) or equivalent, and Music 155A (Analysis) or equivalent.

Music 215: Music Technology

Individual lessons in computer music composition. For second-year Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology.

Spring 2002

Music 150: Undergraduate Composition

Seminar on technical and aesthetic issues in modern music composition. Prerequisite: Music 16D. (See the course syllabus for more information.)

Music 152: Interactive Arts Programming

Study of artistic issues and programming techniques involved in the development of interactive computer art and music. Theoretical background, basic tenets of programming, and practical exercises in programming interactive computer applications in multimedia, video, computer art, and music. Prerequisite: Music 151 (Computer Music Composition) or Dance 181A (Dance and Digital Technology) or Studio Art 106 (Intermediate Digital Imaging) or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 16. See the course website for details.

Winter 2002

Music 147: Computer Audio: Musical Applications of Digital Signal Processing
(Can also be taken as ICS 180 or ECE 198)

A theoretical and practical study of how computers synthesize and process sound. Essential premises of digital signal processing are explored as they apply to audio, and these concepts are put into practice in student-designed programming projects. The course provides the knowledge and experience required for advanced study in computer audio, synthesizer design, and computer music. (See course syllabus and course web site.) Ability to program in C is required. Music 51 or equivalent computer music experience is highly recommended.

Fall 2001

Music 16D: Theory/Musicianship

Advanced study of the harmonic and structural bases of tonal music; development of rhythmic and aural skills for performance and analysis of tonal and post-tonal music. Prerequisite: Music 16C or demonstrated equivalency. (Students, see the course website for information about the class.)

Music 212: Graduate Composition

Seminar on technical and aesthetic issues in modern music composition. For first-year Master's students emphasizing Composition and Technology. (See course syllabus.)

Spring 2001

Music 176: Chamber Ensembles (Contemporary)

Chamber ensemble for the composition, improvisation, and performance of electronic and electro-acoustic music. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. See course syllabus for details.

Winter 2001

Music 150: Undergraduate Composition

Seminar on technical and aesthetic issues in modern music composition. Prerequisite: Music 16D. (See course syllabus.)

Music 157: Advanced Composition

Seminar on technical and aesthetic issues in modern music composition, with an emphasis on experimentalism. Students compose short exercises and one complete work for chamber ensemble, in close collaboration with students of Chamber Ensembles focusing on contemporary music, for performance at the end of the quarter. Prerequisite: Music 30C or Music 16D or consent of instructor.

Music 176: Chamber Ensembles (Contemporary)

Contemporary chamber music performance practice, emphasizing performance of repertoire of the last fifty years. Participants perform contemporary works and actively collaborate with composition students to create new works. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

Spring 2000

Music 51: Music Technology and Computers

A study of the influence of technology upon the musical culture and aesthetics of America in the 20th century, with particular emphasis on the role of the computer. Work includes lectures, readings, listenings, discussions, demonstrations, writing, and experimentation. (See the course syllabus, reading and listening list, and assignments online.) Prerequisite: consent of instructor; enrollment limited to 25 students.

Arts 1: Arts Core

An introduction to the cultural forces and thought surrounding the art of music in the United States. Lectures focus on techniques for listening to, understanding, and thinking about music. (See the course syllabus online.)

Winter 98

Music 136: Orchestration

Study of the ranges, capabilities, techniques, and nuances of instruments, for the purpose of writing and arranging music idiomatically and effectively for chamber ensembles. Class sessions include lectures, instrumental demonstrations, and performance and discussion of student work. Assignments include, reading, listening, score study, and short arranging exercises. See course syllabus and study guide for details. Students in the course can view their current assignments online.

Spring 97

Music 30C: Theory

The study of traditional common-practice melody, harmony, and formal structure, through composition and performance. (See course syllabus.) Students in the course can find their current assignments online Prerequisite: Music 30B or equivalent..

Winter 97

Music 30B: Theory

The study of traditional common-practice melody, harmony, and formal structure, through composition and performance. (See course syllabus.) Prerequisite: Music 30A or equivalent. Students in the course can find their current assignments online.

Christopher Dobrian
June 28, 2024