Music 239, Winter Quarter 2010
Thursday, 2:00-3:20 PM
Music and Media Building, Room 316
University of California, Irvine
Professor Christopher Dobrian
211 Music and Media Building
(949) 824-7288
Office hours: by appointment.
Music 239 - Thesis Colloquium
Presentation of current research/creative activity. Second-year ICIT students present their thesis work-in-progress for discussion and criticism. Faculty and visiting artists/scholars also present their current work. Students are graded on their presentation and informed participation in critiques.
This colloquium was designed to serve two purposes: 1) to be a forum for presentation of new scholarly and creative work for information, discussion, and critique, and 2) to help second-year Master's students, particularly in ICIT, develop and refine their written Master's thesis, both by critically evaluating the work of others and by receiving critical evaluation of their own work.
Winter Quarter 2009
Week 1 - Thursday, January 7: Introduction and Discussion:
Designing and defending a thesis; Situating your artistic goals
Week 2 - Thursday, January 14: Christopher Dobrian and Michael Dessen (professors)
Telematic music and multimedia performance
Week 3 - Tuesday, January 21: Kojiro Umezaki (professor)
Composition for shakuhachi with classical instruments and electronics
Week 4 - Thursday, January 28: Joe Knox
MFA thesis work in progress
Week 5 - Thursday, February 4: Martin Jaroszewicz
MFA thesis work in progress
Week 6 - Thursday, February 11: Dhiren Panikker
MFA thesis work in progress
Week 7 - Thursday, February 18: Faraz Minooei
MFA thesis work in progress
Week 8 - Thursday, February 25: Jean-Charles François (visiting artist)
Open improvisation with "no memory"
Week 9 - Thursday, March 4: Christian Dubeau
MFA thesis work in progress
Week 10 - Thursday, March 11: Isshin Oikawa
MFA thesis work in progress