Course Syllabus

Arts 1C, Spring 2000
Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30-4:50pm
HIB, Room 100

Professor Christopher Dobrian
211 Music and Media Building
(949) 824-7288

Office hours by appointment, Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00-1:00pm.

Teaching Assistants:

Course Description

General Catalogue description of Arts 1C - Arts Core:
An introduction to the arts in general, and to the arts at UCI. Concentration on (1) the interdisciplinary nature of the arts, (2) the content of particular arts disciplines, and (3) the departments in the UCI School of the Arts.

Professor's description of the Music segment of the course:
A presentation of several different approaches to the understanding of music as we encounter it in the multi-cultural, multi-stylistic, multi-media 21st century. The focus is on music as a complex, active process of listening and thinking, rather than as a passively received pleasurable experience or as simply a cultural or commercial artifact.

Course Topics

The following list displays some of the topics included in the course lectures (not in chronological order).

Musical Works

The following list displays some of the musicians whose work will be considered in the course lectures (not in chronological order). [Note: This list in no way purports to be a comprehensive list of anything other than of musicians whose work will be used to illustrate the topics discussed in this class.]

Course Requirements

Students are required to complete five in-class multiple-choice quizzes and a final multiple-choice exam. The quizzes and the exam will be on the topics discussed in class sessions. The quizzes will be given during Thursday class sessions; the final exam will be given during the scheduled final exam time. To take these exams, each student must bring, to each of the Thursday testing sessions and to the final exam session, a scantron testing sheet, type F-288, red. Scantron testing forms F-288 can be purchased at the UCI Bookstore.

Course Grades

Final grades for this quarter of the Arts Core course will be balanced equally between the two five-week halves of the course; 50% of the grade will be for the first five weeks, and 50% for the second five weeks. Grades for the second five weeks (the Music portion of the course) will be based on weekly multiple-choice quiz scores and a final multiple-choice exam.

Each quiz will count as approximately 10% of your grade for the second five weeks. The music portion of the final exam will count as approximately 50% of your grade for the second five weeks. Absolutely no alternate dates or make-up exams will be permitted.

Final exam

The final exam for the course is Tuesday, June 13, 4:00-6:00 pm in HIB 100.

Regarding Academic Integrity

Plagiarism of any kind is a violation of UCI policy on Academic Honesty, and penalties for plagiarism can be severe. In this class you will be expected to take all required quizzes and exams without the use of prepared notes, without consulting any other person, and without looking at the work of any other person. If you are found to be violating this policy, you will receive no credit for the work in question and the matter will be reported to the office of Academic Affairs for disciplinary action.

Christopher Dobrian
May 6, 2000