Schedule a collection of future events

In Max there are many ways to schedule an event to occur at a certain time in the future, using delay, pipe, or timepoint, for example. What if you want to schedule a whole collection of triggers or messages to occur at different specific points in time? Here are a few approaches.
In the first method, we store messages in order in a coll, and in each message we include a “delta time”—the delay before the next event should occur. That delay time is used to wait before triggering a next message to the coll. In this example the delta time is the only thing in the message, but you could actually use any message as long as it has a delta time in it, and use that delta time to schedule the subsequent next message.
The second method uses the qlist object, which has an automatic playback mode that is triggered by a bang message. For each item in the qlist that begins with a number, that number will be treated as a delay time for the rest of the message when in automatic playback mode. When qlist receives a bang, it sends out, in order, each message that begins with a number, using that number as the number of milliseconds to delay from the preceding message that was sent out.
Unlike the delay object, which can delay only a bang, and only one bang at a time, the pipe object can delay multiple messages. So, if you want to, you can send pipe a whole lot of messages at once, each tagged with a delay time at the end. In that sort of usage, each delay time would in effect become a “start time” relative to the moment that the messages were all sent in. Note that pipe has to be initialized with an argument for each item it will be asked to delay, so this method is practical only if each message you want to delay will be in the same format. In this example, we use pipe in its simplest form, delaying single integers.
If you want to sequence a trigger to occur at a specific moment in a musical timeline of bars, beats, and units (or in raw ticks, 1/480ths of a quarter note), you can use the timepoint object, controlled by transport. Each timepoint object can hold only one time point at a time, but you can store an ordered collection of desired time points in a coll, and then keep loading a new time point from the coll into the timepoint object each time timepoint sends out a trigger. Each output from timepoint is just a bang. Although it’s not demonstrated in this example, you could store any messages you want in the coll, with each one time-tagged with its time point in bars-beats-units as shown here, and each time a message comes out of the coll you could put the message in a message object and put the time point portion of it in the timepoint. Then, when the timepoint sends its output, it could trigger the message and also trigger a next message to the coll.
Each of these four methods plays the same rhythm. In the case of the delay and qlist examples, times are “delta time”, the interval between messages. In the case of the pipe and timepoint examples, times are “start time” relative to a single starting point in time. Which method you use depends on your preference and which is more suitable to your particular purpose.