WAVE file

Continuous change of delay time causes a pitch shift

The way we commonly avoid clicks when changing the amplitude of a sound is to interpolate smoothly sample-by-sample from one gain factor to another, using an object such as line~. Does that same technique work well for making a smooth change from one delay time to another? As it turns out, that's not the best way to get a seamless unnoticeable change from one delay time to another, because changing the delay time gradually will actually cause a pitch shift in the sound.

Windowing an audio signal

In signal processing, a "window" is a function (shape) that is nonzero for some period of time, and zero before and after that period. When multiplied by another signal, it produces an output of 0 except during the nonzero portion of the window, when it exposes the other signal. The simplest example is a rectangular window, which is 0, then briefly is 1, then reverts to 0. The windowed signal will be audible only when it is being multiplied by 1––i.e., during the time when the rectangular windowing occurs.

Preload and play sound cues

A single sfplay~ object can refer to many different sound files, or even specific portions of sound files, with a unique "cue" number assigned to each sound. Once those sound cues have been preloaded (i.e. taught to the object), you can cause the object to play a cue just by sending the desired cue number in its left inlet.