iMovie demo
This example shows a demonstration of how to the imovie object.
This example shows a demonstration of how to the imovie object.
Whenever a movie is read into, it sends out a read message that reports whether the movie was read in successfully. You can use that information to trigger a getmoviedim message to, and use the moviedim to set the dim of and all other objects that need to know that information.
A or object doesn't automatically provide a notification when it reaches the end of a video. However, it's easy enough to obtain such a notification by checking to see when the video's current time becomes equal to its total duration.
A crossfade or blend between two videos is particularly easy to accomplish in Jitter using OpenGL. (One can also blend two videos without GL, using the jit.alphablend object. The GL implementation is more efficient, because the blending computation takes place on the computer's graphics card instead of its CPU.)