Rotate, zoom, and offset video using jit.rota
This patch shows how to rotate, zoom, and offset video using jit.rota.
Zoom a video in or out
The jit.rota object can zoom an image in or out, along the x dimension, the y dimension, or both. It can also be used to shift an image along the x dimension, the y dimension, or both. In this example, we use both zooming and shifting.
Bidirectional jit.matrix scroll
This example demonstrates how one can make a scrolling display of an array of data using Jitter. Each time we add a number to the array, we'll scroll the display to the right. (Or, by clicking on the toggle, you can cause the scrolling to go to the left.)
Stretch 1D matrix to 2D matrix
This example shows how you can rotate the output of a jit.gradient object. jit.gradient makes a 1-D matrix. You can "stretch" that into a 2-D matrix with jit.matrix and then rotate it with a jit.rota object.