Output matrix values to a number box
To output matrix values to a number box, use metro 1000 to bang a counter object, and use that output as the matrix coordinate for the getcell message. Please note that the third outlet of counter does not send out a bang unless you tell it to (with a carrybang message). It sends out a 1 when the counter reaches its maximum, and a 0 on the next output. This causes a double trigger.
Save jit.matrix presets
jit.matrixset has write and read messages that allow you to store and recall its contents in a file, just as you would do with most presets.
Find the maximum of a jitter matrix column
This example demonstrates how to find the maximum value in a jit.matrix column using jit.submatrix and jit.3m.
Invert Black and White
Invert a black and white image using jit.op
This example demonstrates how to invert a black and white image using jit.op.
Resizing a matrix non-destructively
This example uses a 4-plane, 256×256 matrix for easy visualization, but it could be adapted to a 6-plane 1×1024 matrix.
Choose a random mix of sine tones
This patch uses a random number generator to choose a mix of 12 sine tones, play them, and display them as white pixels in a black and white matrix. The 12 sine tones are played with a single object called ioscbank~, which is a bank of interpolating sinusoidal oscillators.