Week 2

Balinese music & its influence on twentieth-century composers




Michael Tenzer, "Two Lelambatan," (excerpt from "Integrating Music: Personal and Global Transformations"), in Analytical and Cross-Cultural Studies in World Music, ed. Michael Tenzer and John Roeder (Oxford University Press, 2011)


Mervyn Cooke, "Benjamin Britten and the Balinese gamelan," Indonesia Circle (1990)


For next week's discussion:


Leta E. Miller and Fredric Lieberman, "Lou Harrison and the American Gamelan," American Music 17/2 (1999), 146–78.

Henry Spiller, "Lou Harrison's Music for Western Instruments and Gamelan: Even More Western than it Sounds," Asian Music 40/1 (2009), 31–52.


Playlist 1



Bubaran Kembang Pacar; Playon Lasem 1 & 2; Ladrang Wilujeng



Baris Dance; excerpt from Pelayon; Pengecet Lasem; Sinti Lokarya; Lelambatan Tabuh Gari ; Kosalia Arini


Sundanese music:




"Pagodes" from Estampes; L'Isle Joyeuse



Concerto for Two Pianos, movement 1



"The Pagodas" from the ballet Prince of the Pagodas



Tabuh-Tabuhan: Toccato for Orchestra; "Pemoengkah" from Balinese Ceremonial Music for two pianos


Lou Harrison:

Suite for Violin, Piano and small orchestra, III. First Gamelan

Concerto in Slendro, I

Varied Trio, I. Gending

Main Bersama-sama

In Honor of the Divine Mr. Handel


Class presentations






An interview with Lou Harrison

Lou Harrison talks about a New Gamelan

Charles Amarkhanian, Henry Cowell and Lou Harrison talk about Colin McPhee