Week 1


Introduction to the course; Classical Music in Southeast Asia/Indonesia

Readings for Wednesday:


Henry Spiller, "Music and Southeast Asia History," pp. 1–16, and "Music in Java and Bali," pp. 49–67, from Gamelan: The Traditional Sounds of Indonesia (ABC-Clio, 2004)


Readings for Next Week:


R. Anderson Sutton, "Asia/Music of Indonesia," from Worlds of Music,: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples, 5th ed., edit. Jeff Todd Titon (New York, Schemer, 2009), pp. 213–231.


Benjamin Brinner, Music in central Java : experiencing music, expressing culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), Chapter 2, A Sense of Time, Chapter 3, Gamelan, Tuning, and Instrumental Melody, Chapter 4, Songs, Singers, and Gamelan, pp. 25–87.


Chart for Bubaran Kembang Pacar




Bubaran "Kembang Pacar"


Ladrang "Wilujeng"


Playon "Lasem," 1 & 2


Additional Readings


Sumarsam's Introduction to Javanese Gamelan (Wesleyan)

R. Anderson Sutton, "Central and East Java," Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: Southeast Asia, edit. Terry E. Miller and Sean Williams (Routledge, 1998), pp. 630–85.


Marc Perlman, "A Brief Introduction to Karawitan," from Unplayed melodies: Javanese gamelan and the genesis of music theory (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004), pp. 37–60.