Computer Music and Computer Graphics


The University of California at Irvine.

The COSMOS program at UCI.

The Claire Trevor School of the Arts at UCI.

The Music Department at UCI.

The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at UCI.

Computer Science
The Computer Science Department at UCI.

Christopher Dobrian
Computer Music professor Christopher Dobrian, Professor of Music at UCI.

Dan Frost
Computer Graphics professor Dan Frost, Lecturer of Computer Science at UCI.

Computer Graphics Class
Professor Frost's homepage for the Computer Graphics portion of this class.

Yu Morimoto
Teaching Assistant Yu Morimoto, B.S. in Computer Science at UCI

Jeff Ridenour
Teaching Assistant Jeff Ridenour, Ph.D. student in Computer Science at UCI

Cycling '74
Cycling '74, publishers of the Max/MSP/Jitter software environment for multimedia programming.

Max Objects
A database of external Max objects written by people who (for the most part) don't work for Cycling '74.

Max Examples
A few examples, mostly dealing with MIDI, showing some basics of automated control in Max.

MSP Examples
Demonstrations of some solutions to basic issues of sound control in MSP.

Jitter Video Examples
Demonstrations of some ways to mess with video in Jitter.

DSP Examples
Some more advanced MSP examples, from a UCI class on music signal processing.

This page was last modified July 11, 2005.
Christopher Dobrian