Lecture & Workshop: Jean-Charles François
The Claire Trevor School of the Arts, UC Irvine
Music Department presents
Jean-Charles François
percussionist / composer / improviser
Thursday, January 15, 2013
Lecture: Improvisation Issues: Praxis and Pedagogy
3:30 pm
Improvisation Workshop: Collective Music Making
5:00 pm
(bring your instrument if you wish to participate)
Music and Media Building, Room 218
These events are presented by the Music Department as part of the
ICIT Thesis Colloquium series and the New Ears series of new music events.
Both events are free and open to the public.
The residency of Mr. François at UCI is made possible by the
Robert and Marjorie Rawlins Chair’s Endowment, Professor David Brodbeck, Chair.
Online/Printable flyer: http://music.arts.uci.edu/dobrian/FrancoisFlyer.pdf