Measure time recorded into a buffer
Use the timer object to measure the time between when you turn on recording and when you stop recording.
Use the timer object to measure the time between when you turn on recording and when you stop recording.
This patch records while the spacebar is held down, and starts looping when the spacebar is released.
This example shows how you can increase or decrease the number in a number box each time the up or down arrow keys are pressed. The incdec object is made to be connected to the integer number box in the manner shown here. The messages inc and dec to incdec will increment and decrement the attached number box.
To create a poly-rhythm generator, this example chooses a division and articulates every attack point of that division. Use a metro synched to the transport to specify the divisions (or the tempo object, if preferred), and then use a counter (or a % object with the output of tempo) to specify the articulation points.
Load a MIDI file into detonate, send it a “start” message, then send it “next” messages to output each note. Notice that the leftmost outlet sends out the delta time (in ms) until the next note in the score; that value can be tested, and if it’s sufficiently small, say under 50 ms for example, that means that the next note is practically simultaneous with the current one. The example then sends an additional ‘next’ message.
This example shows how you can continue to output random numbers without duplicating.