
Set minimum and maximum of two dials

This example shows how you can have two dials be “aware” of each other’s value, to constrain their minimum and maximum output. If you want to have two dials (or any user interface objects) that show a minimum value and a maximum value, but don’t want the minimum to exceed the maximum, you can use the value of the Min dial to constrain the minimum of the Max dial, and use the value of the Max dial to contrain the maximum of the Min dial.

Short delay creates a timbre change

A single sample value of 1 (surrounded on either side by sample values of 0) is the shortest possible sound that can be represented in a digital audio signal. Electrical engineers call this signal an impulse. It theoretically contains every frequency up to the Nyquist frequency (one-half the sample rate), so it’s useful for testing filters and for determining the mathematical formulae to describe different sorts of filtering effects.

Bass drum player with swing

This patch uses the transport object to control an algorithmic performer of kick drum patterns. When the transport is turned on, the metro also turns on because its active attribute is set on. The metro sends a bang on every 16th note. Those bangs are first used to trigger information from the transport itself, and then to look up in a table of patterns to see whether or not to play a bass drum note.