Render a moving object
This patch demonstrates how to render objects of both one and two-dimensions which move accross a display window.
GL alpha blending
This patch shows how to use gl objects in Jitter to fade the color of a rendered sphere between two values.
List to 3plane 2D matrix
This example shows a way to divide your list into three-item groups with zl.group, then put each of those values into one of the three planes of jit.matrix.
Move text across the surface of a sphere
Here is a way to create text that moves across the surface of a sphere. Click the jit.window object in the patch to see the animated result.
Moving video using x y coordinates
This example shows how to change the size and rotation position of an image or video displayed using Jitter. The x-y orientation of the image is manipulated via the rotate message sent to jit.gl.videoplane and the size of the image is altered via the camera message sent to jit.gl.render.
Display a video on a shape in OpenGL
Create a sphere in OpenGL
This example shows how to create and render a 3D shape in OpenGL. You can read about the meaning of some of the different attributes in Jitter Tutorial 33: Polygon Modes, Colors, and Blending and in the Max reference manual listing of common attributes and messages of Jitter GL objects.