MIDI input objects
Max has dedicated objects for parsing each particular type of MIDI channel message coming into the computer, such as notes, pitchbends, controllers, etc., and it has corresponding output objects for formatting and transmitting MIDI messages to be sent out of Max.
Sampling synthesizer in Max
This patch is an example of a sampling synthesizer in Max. The kslider may be used to control the patch if a MIDI controller is not available. The gtrvoice patch used inside of the patcher guitar6strings may be found in the example Managing samples in Max. The guitar samples that are loaded into the buffer subpatch may be found in the file called
Bend image brightness
In this example, output of the MIDI pitch bend values from bendin are sent to the object jit.brcosa to adjust the brightness of the image.
Calculate pitchbend transposition
This patch shows how to calculate pitch bend transposition.
Different number sources using Max
This patch shows different ways to receive and generate numerical values using MaxMSP.
Useful MIDI Objects
This patch shows objects that are useful when working with MIDI in Max.
Make slider spring back to a designated value
This example demonstrates how to make a slider object spring back to a specified value.
Using MIDI pitchbend data in MSP
For this patch to work correctly, you must have the six guitar string samples in the same directory as you save this Max patch.