Analysis of Melody


MM 302


Readings discussed:


Anton Reicha, “Principles of Large Binary Form” pp. 49-58, and “On the Practice of Melody” pp. 76-94, in Treatise on Melody, trans. Peter M. Landey Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2000) Melodic Examples, pp. 146-159 and 171-187 correspond to above chapters.


Simon P. Keefe, “Antoine Reicha's "Dialogue": The Emergence of a Theoretical Concept,” Acta Musicologica 72/1 (2000), 43–62.


Jospeh Riepel, "Principles of Tonal Order, Generally" in Foundations of Musical Composition (1755), trans. John Walter Hill (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2015), just scan pp. 193–285 for the flavor of his discourse.


Brief excerpts on phrase and form by Sulzer, Riepel, Mattheson, Koch and Kirnberger


Additional Reading:


Peter M. Landey, "Issues in the Development of Anton Reicha's Theory of "Grande Couple Binaire" Revista Musicologica 16/6 (1993), 3568-3577.