Week 4


Folk, Folk-Rock, the LA scene
Psychedelia and anti-Psychedelia, Birth of Metal


 Class reader


Recommended documentaries


Read: Chapter 6


1. Nat Hentoff, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, pp.272–75.

2. Dave Headlam, "Blues to 1960s rock,", pp. 275–79.


3. Paul Williams, "Folk, Rock & Other Four-Letter Words," pp. 277–79.


4. John Harris, "You had to hold on to the furniture when Sandy sang," pp. 279–82.


5. Robert Christgau, "The Monkees," p. 282.


6. Lillian Roxon, "The Doors," and "The Monkees," pp. 283–85.


7. Lester Bangs, "Astral Weeks," pp. 285–88.


8. Robert Christgau on the Los Angeles scene, pp. 288–89.


Chapter 7


1. Peter Jones, "Jimi Hendrix: Mr. Phenomenon!," pp. 313–14.


2. Christgau Consumer Guide: A Guide to 1967, pp. 314–15.


3. Michael Lydon, "Jimi Hendrix 1968," pp. 315–17.


4. Ellen Willis, "Janis Joplin," pp. 317–21.


5. Lillian Roxon, "Jefferson Airplane," pp. 321–23.


6. Robert Christgau, "Anatomy of a Love Festival," pp. 323–30.


7. Michael Lydon, "The Who in San Francisco," pp. 331–33


8. Paul Williams, "Outlaw Blues," pp. 333–45.


9. Gregg Akkerman, "Beggars and Thieves," pp. 346–49.


10. Geoffrey Cannon, "Joni Mitchell: Clouds," pp. 349–50.


11. Lester Bangs, "Of Pop and Pies and Fund: A Program for Mass Liberation in the Form of a Stooges Review, on Who's the Fool? (1970)," pp. 350–53.


12. Robert Christgau, "Creedence: Where Do You Go From the Top?," pp. 353–54.


13. Robert Christgau, "Rock 'n' Revolution," pp. 354–57.


Additional Reading:


Nat Hentoff, "The Crackin', Shakin', Breakin' Sounds," pp. 289–92.


Luc Sante, "I Is Someone Else," (Bob Dylan), pp. 292–302.


Eve Babitz, "Roll Over Elvis: The Second Coming of Jim Morrison," pp.302–10.


Alice Echols, "Hope and Hype in Monterey," pp. 357–65.


Week 4 Playlist