Spring 2018, M 11:00-1:50pm

MM 312

Dr. Amy Bauer
Email: abauer@uci.edu

Office: CAC 3043


Most reading materials, musical scores, and streamed recordings will available online. Supplementary texts on reserve at AMC: Straus, Joseph N. Introduction to Post-tonal Theory, 2nd Edition (W.W. Norton, 2001); see also the Langson Library Music 201 page



Assignments (6 x 8.33; 50%)

Class Presentation (15%)

Class participation (10%)

Final Paper (25%)



Your assignments consiss of six weekly reading and listening assignments followed by six assignments (the first three are due the following week, while the remaining three are spaced throughout the quarter). Please jot down at least two questions to contribute regarding the readings for each class. All materials, including guidelines for completing the assignment, are available at the class website. Late assignments will not be accepted unless with prior consent from the instructor.


Class Presentation:

During the last week of classes and the first day of finals week you will offer a 30-minute presentation on the topic of your final paper (including time for questions). You are responsible for providing background information on the piece (including a recording, if possible). Handouts are recommended, but not required.


Final Paper:

You will write a final paper (minimum 2500 words) that may take one of several forms:


1) Most of you will probably choose a piece (or a section of a piece) to analyze with one of the methodologies studied in class.


2) You may also choose to compare and contrast two or more published analyses of the same work, especially if it one you know well (if you are interested in this option, I can provide references to works that have been analyzed from several perspectives).


3) You may also choose to write a purely theoretical essay which examines one of the areas we've studied in greater depth (I will provide references for the curious). Please feel free to draw from the repertories studied in class or others (with my approval). I will ask you to confirm your paper topic by the 6th week of classes.