Interactive Arts Programming

Spring 2010

Watch this page for more interesting links as the class progresses.

This page was last modified January 3, 2011.

Cycling '74, publisher of Max.

Cycling '74 User Forum for discussion of Max/MSP/Jitter.

Max 5 Help and Documentation online.

Max Objects Database of third-party objects for Max.

Cycling '74 offers a variety of tutorials by members of its staff suggesting ways of working with Max.

Christopher Dobrian's blog on algorithmic composition with sonic, musical, and visual examples in Max.

The book Electronic Music and Sound Design, volume 1, by Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri teaches basic principles of audio synthesis and processing using MSP.

For francophones, here is a French Max forum.

The "MaxMSP Baz Tutorial" is a set of video tutorials demonstrating various audio and video techniques in Max/MSP/Jitter.

And here is a whole page of links to additional Max resources.

A drum sample player (programmed in Flash).

Documentary video of a remix of "Bicycle Built for Two" done with Max.

Reactable, an innovative computer music instrument with a Maxlike interface.

Demonstration video of SLABS, a music controller developed at UC Berkeley, which sends multiple streams of signal data from pressure- and location-sensitive touchpads to Max.

Andrew Benson recounts his experience using Jitter at Coachella 2009.

SynthPond is a clever and interesting algorithmic composition application for iPhone and iPod Touch.

RGB MusicLab is an application that converts image documents into music algorithmically.

Here is a New York Times article from early 2010 on Microsoft's efforts in gesture-controlled media that would come to named Kinect.

Light Music is a gestural music/video performance by Thierry De Mey and Jean Geoffroy.

An algorithmic improvisation for 6 pianos done in Max/MSP by Maurizio Giri.

This page was last modified January 3, 2011.
Christopher Dobrian