Week 9:

Donnacha Dennehy and Helena Tulve

George Wheeler on My Etude Circle and its relation to John Chowning's Stira

Dan Abrams on Bringing Register and Timbre to the Fore: the writings of Robert Hasewgawa

Special guest speaker Nicole Grimes: Giving Voice to Spectralism: Donnacha Dennehy and the Embodiment of Sound



Donnacha Dennehy, "Owning Overtones: Grá Agus Bás and Spectral Traditions

Ia Remmel, "An Oasis for Concentration. Metamorphoses in the Music of Helena Tulve," Estonian Music Review 7 (2005)


Further reading:

Dennehy's U of I dissertation (on reserve)

Lutz Lesle , "Balance and der Nadelspitz: die estnische Komponistin Helena Tulve," Musiktexte (German)



Dennehy, Grá agus Bás ("Love and Death," 2007) and Aisling Gheal ("Bright Vision," 2007)

Helena Tulve, Sula for orchestra (1999)

L'Équinoxe de l'âme for soprano, baroque harp, string quartet (2008)



Helena Tulve, Sula for orchestra (1999)