Syllabus ScheduleAudioScoresReadings

8) 1990-2003; Beyond the Canons of Style

Cross-cultural influences, the Violin Concerto, the Viola Sonata, the late works.

Analyze for May 21

Passacaglia ungherese for harpsichord (1978)
Questions here as Word doc. As pdf

Final assignment for May 28

Choose one of the following piano etudes and discuss it in approximately 300-500 words; touch on pitch/harmonic structure, rhythm, and any other features you find notable: First book, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5; Second book, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; or anything from the third book.

Work List

Violin concerto (1990-92) AM

I. Praeludium
II. Aria, hoquetus
III. Intermezzo
IV. Passacaglia. Lento intenso
V. Apassionato: Agitato molto.

Video: Patricia Kopatchinskaja at Ojai

Sonata for Solo Viola (1994)

I. Hora Lunga
II. Loop
III. Facsar
IV. Presto con sordino
V. Presto luminoso
VI. Chaconne

Hamburg concerto (1998/99, 2003) AM

I. Praeludium
II. Signale, Tanz, Choral
III. Aria, Aksak, Hoketus
IV. Solo, Intermezzo, Mixtur, Kanon
V. Spectra
VI. Capriccio
VII. Hymnus

Síppal, doppal, nádihegedüvel (With pipes, drums, fiddles, 2000) LL

I. Fabula
II. Táncdol
III. Kínai templom
IV. Kuli
V. Alma, álma
VI. Keseredés
VII. Szajkó

Études for Piano, Book III (1995-2001) LL

XV. White on White
XVI. Pour Irina
XVII. À bout de soufflé
XVIII. Canon