max v2; #N vpatcher 10 59 622 672; #P origin -31 0; #P window setfont Times 14.; #P window linecount 3; #P comment 475 74 95 1310734 load in a mask \, and a movie (or image) to mask; #P window setfont "Fixedwidth Serif" 14.; #P window linecount 1; #P newex 91 124 49 1441806 t b i; #P newex 239 282 105 1441806 jit.op @op +; #P toggle 91 106 15 0; #P user gswitch2 130 151 39 32 0 0; #P user gswitch2 302 156 39 32 0 0; #P newex 331 191 175 1441806 jit.op @op !- @val 1.; #P newex 130 282 105 1441806 jit.op @op *; #P flonum 371 50 43 14 0. 1. 3 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P message 371 73 55 1441806 vol \$1; #P message 429 73 41 1441806 read; #P message 314 73 49 1441806 start; #P message 270 73 41 1441806 stop; #P newex 270 50 98 1441806 select 0 1; #P toggle 159 26 15 0; #P number 222 50 45 14 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 159 70 73 1441806 metro 40; #P window linecount 2; #P newex 159 102 169 1441806 320 240 @autostart 0 @vol 0.; #P button 331 102 15 0; #P window linecount 1; #P message 378 101 95 1441806 importmovie; #P user jit.pwindow 129 310 322 242 0 1 0 0 1 0; #P newex 331 129 249 1441806 jit.matrix mask 1 char 320 240; #P window setfont Times 14.; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 0 105 87 1310734 invert the masking effect; #P connect 19 0 21 0; #P connect 21 1 18 0; #P connect 18 0 15 0; #P fasten 20 0 2 0 244 305 135 305; #P connect 15 0 2 0; #P connect 8 0 6 0; #P fasten 12 0 5 0 434 94 164 94; #P fasten 13 0 5 0 376 94 164 94; #P fasten 11 0 5 0 319 94 164 94; #P fasten 10 0 5 0 275 94 164 94; #P connect 6 0 5 0; #P connect 5 0 18 1; #P connect 7 0 6 1; #P fasten 17 0 15 1 307 191 230 191; #P fasten 18 1 20 0 164 187 244 187; #P fasten 8 0 9 0 164 45 275 45; #P connect 9 0 10 0; #P fasten 21 1 17 0 135 147 307 147; #P connect 9 1 11 0; #P fasten 21 0 4 0 96 147 87 147 87 98 336 98; #P fasten 3 0 1 0 383 124 336 124; #P connect 4 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 17 1; #P connect 17 1 16 0; #P fasten 16 0 20 1 336 215 339 215; #P connect 14 0 13 0; #P pop;