max v2; #N vpatcher 78 158 731 494; #P origin 0 -26; #P comment 473 260 94 1310730 5. design an envelope; #P message 391 136 80 1441802 setdomain \$1; #P number 391 117 58 10 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P comment 368 102 126 1310730 (default is 5000 milliseconds); #P comment 368 89 108 1310730 4. choose a note duration; #P comment 66 221 60 1310730 1. start audio; #P comment 538 81 72 1310730 6. trigger a note; #P button 555 95 15 0; #P user function 391 160 591 260 1 1 0 1; #X frgb 94 183 251; #X brgb 204 204 204; #X rgb2 85 85 85; #X rgb3 255 255 255; #X rgb4 0 0 0; #X rgb5 0 0 0; #X add 0. 0. 0; #X add 159.574464 1. 0; #X add 1010.638246 0.466668 0; #X add 2287.233888 0.293334 0; #X add 4388.297853 0.146668 0; #X add 5000. 0. 0; #X domain 5000.; #X range 0. 1.; #X done; #P newex 203 210 38 1441802 line~; #P comment 176 36 162 1310730 (default is 440Hz with a 12Hz vibrato); #P comment 272 64 93 1310730 modulation frequency; #P comment 175 57 72 1310730 carrier frequency; #P flonum 275 78 50 10 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 275 96 62 1441802 cycle~ 12; #P newex 232 118 53 1441802 *~ 0.005; #P flonum 186 71 50 10 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 186 91 53 1441802 sig~ 440; #P message 13 284 32 1441802 read; #P newex 13 303 133 1441802 buffer~ wave1 11.6327; #P newex 186 139 56 1441802 +~; #P newex 186 231 27 1441802 *~; #P newex 186 161 80 1441802 cycle~ wave1; #P message 134 236 32 1441802 stop; #P message 59 236 73 1441802 startwindow; #P newex 186 284 32 1441802 dac~; #P comment 10 268 155 1310730 2. read in 513 samples of a soundfile; #P comment 176 23 231 1310730 3. choose a carrier frequency and a modulation frequency; #P connect 9 0 8 0; #P connect 11 0 10 0; #P connect 10 0 7 0; #P connect 7 0 5 0; #P connect 5 0 6 0; #P connect 6 0 2 0; #P fasten 4 0 2 0 139 255 191 255; #P fasten 3 0 2 0 64 255 191 255; #P fasten 19 1 18 0 459 265 247 265 247 207 208 207; #P connect 18 0 6 1; #P fasten 10 0 12 0 191 112 237 112; #P connect 12 0 7 1; #P connect 14 0 13 0; #P connect 13 0 12 1; #P connect 25 0 26 0; #P fasten 20 0 19 0 560 156 396 156; #P connect 26 0 19 0; #P pop;