max v2; #N vpatcher 40 55 351 202; #P comment 9 22 277 1310730 Convert amplitude in decibels to a decimal number between 1 and 0; #P comment 88 87 141 1310730 amplitude expressed as a decimal \; 1. = full amplitude; #N comlet (float) amplitude; #P outlet 73 98 15 0; #N comlet (float) decibels; #P inlet 73 43 15 0; #P newex 73 69 140 1441802 expr pow(10.\\\,$f1/20.); #P comment 88 43 141 1310730 amplitude expressed in decibels \; 0dB = full amplitude; #P connect 2 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 3 0; #P pop;