max v2; #N vpatcher 10 59 610 459; #P window setfont Times 18.; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 415 177 136 1310738 choose a number from 0 to 10; #P window linecount 1; #P comment 415 149 157 1310738 ten times per second; #P comment 322 126 147 1310738 toggle metro on/off; #P window setfont "Fixedwidth Serif" 18.; #P newex 307 229 53 1441810 * 12; #P number 307 203 35 18 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 307 174 108 1441810 random 11; #P newex 307 147 108 1441810 metro 100; #P window setfont Times 18.; #P comment 85 133 74 1310738 middle C; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 426 88 109 1310738 ASCII code for the key 'r'; #P toggle 307 128 15 0; #P window setfont "Fixedwidth Serif" 18.; #P window linecount 1; #P newex 307 100 119 1441810 select 114; #P newex 10 196 86 1441810 noteout; #P newex 10 164 185 1441810 makenote 127 500; #P newex 10 131 75 1441810 int 60; #P newex 10 102 108 1441810 select 99; #P number 10 63 44 18 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 10 34 90 1441810 key; #P window setfont Times 18.; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 118 95 109 1310738 ASCII code for the key 'c'; #P connect 1 0 2 0; #P connect 2 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 4 0; #P fasten 14 0 5 0 312 258 300 258 300 159 15 159; #P connect 4 0 5 0; #P connect 5 0 6 0; #P fasten 5 1 6 1 190 192 53 192; #P fasten 2 0 7 0 15 88 312 88; #P connect 7 0 8 0; #P connect 8 0 11 0; #P connect 11 0 12 0; #P connect 12 0 13 0; #P connect 13 0 14 0; #P pop;